Our Impact

With our Bitcoin For Fairness initiative, we've supported various Bitcoin-related projects that are focusing on education, self-sovereignty, and human rights. Together, we're making a big difference, helping everyone understand and use Bitcoin for a better future.

Bitcoin For Fairness Zambia

We co-founded BFF Zambia to create a community in Lusaka, where we've held workshops, media interviews, and meet-ups since 2022, and we support its growth with education, mentoring, and connections to other communities.

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Bitcoin Ekasi

We supported Bitcoin Ekasi's early operations with workshops, hardware wallet donations, and a German TV documentary feature, which greatly increased its visibility and donations in the German-speaking world.

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Bitcoin Victoria Falls

We fostered collaboration between Bitcoin Victoria Falls and BFF Zambia, enhancing the local Bitcoin landscape through employment, conference participation, and educational scholarships.

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Bitcoin Witsand

We provided the Bitcoin Witsand team with hardware wallets, engaged with core developer Peter Todd, and made our first local petrol purchase with Bitcoin.

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We connected Gridless with a Malawian micro-hydro power station to mine Bitcoin using excess power, supporting local electrification and showcasing Bitcoin's potential to enhance lives.

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Bitcoin Indonesia

We enhanced the team's efforts by providing expertise, resources, and a scholarship, and are planning further collaborations to promote global educational exchange on Bitcoin in the Global South.

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Bitcoin Dada

We financially supported Bitcoin Dada founder Lorraine Marcel's attendance at the first Africa Bitcoin Conference, starting her journey as a notable female African Bitcoiner and granting her with a 'Crack The Orange' scholarship.

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Bitcoin Innovation Hub Uganda

We provided support with donations to cover their operational costs and enhancing their security with several hardware wallets for the team's use.

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Bitcoin Banamayo Community

We provided Bitcoin Banamayo's female founders with hardware wallets, Anita's book, and two scholarships to our 'Crack The Orange' program for sustained learning and mentorship.

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