Bitcoin Witsand

Bitcoin Witsand is a circular Bitcoin economy based in Witsand, Western Cape, South Africa. It is a community driven initiative, encouraging dialogue, spreading awareness and sharing insights on how to accept bitcoin as a business. Bitcoin Witsand has impressively facilitated Bitcoin acceptance in Witsand: as per January 2024 out of 500 people permanently living in Witsand approximately 70 people use Bitcoin on a regular basis, 15 businesses do accept Bitcoin.

Bitcoin For Fairness Involvement

We supported the Bitcoin Witsand team with several hardware wallets during a project visit in January 2024. We had Bitcoin core developer Peter Todd join us for the visit, which allowed for great conversations around the latest technical developments in the space and sharing these with the Bitcoin Witsand team. During our visit we made sure to make purchases in several of the local businesses accepting Bitcoin, including buying petrol for the first time in bitcoin at the local petrol station.

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